Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Power Broker - Amar Singh

Amar Singh the quintessential politician and founding leader of Samajwadi party has set an precedent to the term “NETWORKING” in coalition politics. From a small-time politician to a career in making deals, and now as a super-strategist, and kingmaker, Singh's progress has been spectacular.

What is the background of Amar Singh? Why he is the one of the wealthiest politician in India? How did he develop connections with Bollywood(Especially the Bachchan family)? These are some questions which were bothering me, and I decided to go into details and share it with you guys…………..

Amar Singh started his political life in Calcutta by becoming the secretary of Burabazaar District Congress Committee. He was one of the members with whose help the late Madhavroa Scindhia won against Jagmohan Dalmiya in the BCCI Election in Calcutta. Sometime during his stint as secretary, Amar Singh got a chance to Mr.Vir Bahadur Singh who was smitten by his communication skills and one liner. Later when Mr.Vir Bahadur became the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh he played an important role is providing loan through financial institution at 1% to first generation entrepreneurs like Mr.Amar Singh. With this money and his connections with political bigwigs Amar started a factory that makes ETHYL Acetate (Ab Pata Chala Itna Paisa ,Rolex Watch Kaha se aataa hai).

He was nominated in All India Congress Committee by Madhavrao Scindia. With his rise in power and success in chemical business, Amar became the talk of the political and social circuit of Delhi.He was inducted as Director of the Sahara group and many other companies. He got a chance to meet Jaya Bachchan when he was a co member of Central Board of Film Certification and from there on started the great Amar – Amitabh Jugalbandi.

This was a little bit about his background .What makes me sad is that now Amar Singh has become a Opportunistic Leader whose loyalties change in accordance to his desire to remain in power.The Samajwadi Party which is GHOST DIRECTED by him and not Mulayam is playing dirty politics to acquire minority votes and stay in limelight.

It may be recalled Amar Singh was the first person to oppose Sonia Gandhi’s Candidature for Prime Minister Office as she was then “NOT A LEADER BUT A READER” for him in 2004.Now the same Amar Singh has joined hands with the Congress when the Left disassociated itself from UPA due to the Nuclear Pact disagreement.

What really disturbs me is the way in which people are aligning to the Samajwadi Party and wanting to fight for this LS elections without having a particular ideology or vision in mind. Can you believe it people like Sanjay Dutt(Mumbai Bomb Blast Accused), Raju Srivastav (Comedian),Manoj Tiwari(Bhojpuri Superstar) taking a plunge into politics just because AMAR BHAIYA told them to do so.

Sach main Amar Singh has the uncanny knack of becoming the Brother of all Bollywood Stars in no time. Though he is revered by many for his leadership qualities and is politically shrewdness, he has also been accused time and again of many corruption charges. He was barbaric enough to comment that the late Mohan Chand Sharma had done a fake encounter in Delhi. He was recently accused of doing changes in his official residence in Delhi ,which is a heritage bunglow.He has undervalued his assets and has not paid taxes. The list is countless , but still Amar Singh “THE NETWORKING MAN HE IS “comes out with a clean chit on all fronts.

While his state Uttar Pradesh is going from Bad to worse he is busy attending the Stardust and Filmfare awards. I won’t be surprised if in a year, 200 days he can be found in the Pratiksha/Jalsa Bungalow of the Bachchans.Now he has a new address in Pali hill that of Sanjay Dutt who has joined Samajwadi Party after suddenly realizing that something needs to be done for the people of the country (Bloody Joke).

I just hope that Amar Singh uses his intelligence, political shrewdness, eloquence and hands-on, if somewhat aggressive management style to uplift the poor of UTTAR Pradesh by visiting the villages and town there and not the Yash Raj Studios and Ambani residence in Mumbai.

Strange are the ways Indian politics work. One thing is for sure Amar Singh is a POWER BROKER and a KING MAKER.

Cheers …



  1. Thanks Abhishek, very informative post.

    Also it is very clear that this year UP is the fulcrum to power - all said and done, in the end UP will decide who comes to Power, whether Congress or BJP.

    Amar Sing has his work cut out, because Mayawati is out to crush SP and sweep UP's 80 seats. So you are 100% right, he should be working on how to hold on to his share of those 80 seats rather hanging out at Jalsa, that is if he wants to continue being a KING MAKER !!

    cheers and keep blogging !

  2. Dear Abhishek,
    Your blog gave a good insight into Amar Singh's progress in politics and how he has achieved the status and wealth that he is enjoying now . I was not aware that he was secretary of Burabazaar District Congress Committee. Unfortunately, this is the state of politics in our Country now.
    And with the all the celebrities in this LS polls, it wil be more like watching some movie rather than the making of the Government of one of the largest democracy of the World.

    It is a very well written blog.

    Keep up the good work and we shall await your next article..

    All the best and thanks a million.

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