Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DADA and the SAGA of Rotating Captain

Yesterday was a sad day for all DADA fans , when the horrific and bizarre news of KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS not having a permanent captain for the IPL season 2 was telecast on all channels. What the hell was JOHN BUCHANAN thinking when this idea struck him ,has he gone insane???????

I know experimentation is good for any sports not only cricket, but it has to be in the right direction .I still cant fathom the concept, wherein you will have four captains rotating .One Captain will go for the toss , the other one will set field …this is totally crap.Never in the history of any sport it has been recorded or seen that for a particular game four Captains will analyse and strategise .It will be a hotch potch as every individual has varied insights on a particular sitruation.The team needs a leader whom they can follow blindly ,but in this case team will not be sure what to do and what not …I find this whole idea so so absurd.

I understand that there are times when you need to try out new things , but it should be after consultation with all your peers and colleagues.Ganguly was not at all aware about John’s stupid idea and he only came to know about it through the press.Performance can not be an issue for DADA being removed as the Captain, as he was one of the best perforemers for KKR last year.The captaining skills of DADA can also not be questioned ,as the whole world knows and accepts that he was the architect of modern cricket in India.He opened the gates for youngsters like Sehwag,Yuvaraj,Harbhajan and brought in the aggression and killing instinct needed to win matches.

Where the hell is Shahrukh Khan ,is he sleeping with KJ .He should have immediately squashed this idea of John and as far as I know he has all the rights to do so being the owner of the franchisee.SRK has cashed in on DADA’s popularity in Kolkata and minted money for the franchisee last year in leaps and bounds.Its a clear case of “Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility” wherein Ganguly was the pawn and UTILITY for the SRK .

For God sake you cannot force upon new concepts in cricket during major tournament like IPL wherein the stakes are very high .John should have use this rotating captain formula in some sidey,small Australian Cricket Club in TASMANIA first and than applied it in the Internatiaonal arena.

Today no one knows whether this ROTATING CAPTAIN formula will work or not? For a Cricket fanatic like me, ) I am confident and 100% sure that this will not work and KKR will be in the bottom of the TEAM table thiS SEASON.

I feel very sad for DADA as he has gone through a lot of hard times in the past too and this being another dark episode in his life.I don’t feel he deserves this and I will be really happy if he resignd from captaincy of KKR. Nobody can question the integrity of DADA who has given a lot to Indian Cricket and the game in general .I feel DADA is the DESTINY’S CHILD of Indian Cricket who has seen both the sides of the coin ,immense success and extreme failures.The tragedy or should I say coincidence is both the times when he was in doldrums , it was due to ARROGANT AUSSIES aka Greg Chapel(The Mindfreak) and now John Buchanan(The A.........).

I have been seeing and closely following DADA for so many years and I am confident that he will bounce back.He is like a PHOENIX and an example to each and everyone one of us that SUCCESS AND FAILURES walk hand in hand , what matter's is how you take and handle it.


By the way while going through the whiole press conference yesterday I remembered that the legendory Shane Warn had called JOHN BUCHANAN a GOOSE ,and he had actually hit the Bulls Eye long back in 2007.

I searched the net and got the article foe everyones reference:

But Warne yesterday claimed Buchanan was a "goose" and his "verbal diarrhoea" epitomised a worrying big-headed culture.
"The only issue that I have got with cricket at the moment is that Australian people and administrators and ex-players and ex-coaches, a la John Buchanan, have got to stop the arrogant mindset that Australia is so much better than anybody else," Warne said.
"Yes, Australia is the No. 1 country in the world but all this bullshit about our players going to other countries and playing, what a lot of crap.
"There is going to be a time in the next two or three years when Australia is tested. Other countries will catch up and they will unearth someone, that's just the cycle, as long as their foundations in those countries are strong."
Buchanan, who has endured a frosty relationship with the former leg-spinner, would not comment when contacted last night.
Warne, whose retirement left a vacant spinning berth, backed Brad Hogg to do well against India in his old role.


  1. ok i am far from an authority on cricket and neither do i know much about saurav ganguly's skills as a player or as a leader BUT I will say this - HAVING MULTIPLE CAPTAINS FOR SINGLE MATCHES IS ABOUT THE MOST ABSURD THING I'VE HEARD IN A LONG LONG TIME !!!!

    Any guy who vomits such "ideas" needs a good knock on his head, if Saurav is as good at making cover drives as you say he is, he needs to pick up the bat strike a certain two balls out of the effing stadium right now!!!

  2. Yes Amit I trotally agree with you ....and as far as knoiwledge on ganguly and cricket goes ,you are welcome to my house on any weekend and i will show you videos of DADA batting and also explain to you the nuances of cricket ...i know you will not be motivated to come only for cricket , so as a bonus i will cook MUTTON KEEMA and fish fry for you ....just confirm me the schedule

  3. mutton keema !!!! i am on, tu bol kab aana hai !!!

  4. Dear Abhishek,

    I loved the blog and the way in which you vented out your frustration.

    There is no denying the fact that Ganguly is one of the best player's Indain Cricket has ever had. It very discouraging to see him go through the same ordeal once again. I think we will see more of these weirder concepts and formulas in this IPL series, in a desperate attempt by the teams to clinch the cup...
    I have always admired Ganguly for his patience and calibre. hope and pray he comes out of this saga, as a more stronger player.

    My best wishes are always with him.

    Thanks for the blog..

  5. You have hit the nail on the head my friend. I am sure along with all of us, Nagma as well is praying for Dada's well being.

  6. Hey Abhishek glad to see your latest post. Rotating Captains !! Sounds like some kiddish game of musical chair or passing the parcel. Has anybody confused John Buchanan with John "Baccha nand". Hope this leads to "Jaan Bacha Naaaaa".

    John's idea is a clear indication of no clear leader existing in the team. Or atleast their belief of no such skill available within the team. Is that a proud thing to make it so obvious? I guess there is no clear leadership outside the team as well to let such WILD IDEAS out in the open. Seems like a leak from a KKR Brain Storming session, behind closed doors.

    I have admired DADA as well or his class of play. AS a captain as well he has brought a lot of glory to the Indian cricket. He is an aggressive person and it showed in his batting and captaincy. I reserve my comment on his fielding abilities. One most thing i admire in him is his will to fight and emerge from a dull patch instead of getting bogged down and diffused in the past failures.

    SRK is as poor a leader as he is a personality. He can only ride the waves not create any......I am sure there would be an idealogy conflict between the 2, DADA & SRK. No wonders there were so many news on drift between them. DADA should just disassociate himself with people like SRK.

    Long Live DADA !!
    I seem to have lost all memories of DADA's batting brilliance. Abhishek I would like to join the Mutton Keema and Fish Fry session at your place !!
